3 Signs You Need a Shed for Storage

3 Signs You Need a Shed for Storage

Maintaining your property as a homeowner can include landscaping and ensuring adequate storage for all of your belongings. If you have outdoor appliances such as lawnmowers and grills, storing them during the off-season is just as important as taking care of them while in use. Knowing the signs that it may be time to invest in a shed for storage can help you find a storage solution when you need it most. Let’s take a look at these key signs.

1. You Have No Space in Your Garage

If you want to store your outdoor belongings but have no space available in your garage, it may be time to consider investing in a shed. Even if you do have adequate space in your garage, you may want to use it for vehicle storage or as another area to work or spend time in. Sheds come in a variety of sizes and will provide plenty of storage for what’s currently in your garage. According to Bob Vila, a 12-foot-by-12-foot shed will suit a large yard, while an 8-foot-by-10-foot one is better for a medium-sized yard. No matter which size you go with, you’ll be thankful to reclaim the space in your garage.

2. Your Current Shed Is Falling Apart

If you have an existing shed but it’s falling apart, molded, or simply unusable, it may be time to consider a replacement. Sheds may rot and decay over time or get damaged by the weather. A new shed provides ample storage space and a fresh environment that’s more appropriate for storing belongings for months at a time.

3. Your Backyard Is Becoming Cluttered

If you’ve noticed that your backyard is becoming increasingly cluttered without any storage space available, it might be time to purchase a new shed for storage. Storage sheds come in a wide range of sizes and can be placed in areas that are outside of your direct line of sight. Additionally, using a storage shed is one of the quickest ways to minimize and eliminate clutter from your yard. Whether you intend to store patio furniture, grills, and lawn accessories in your shed or if you have garden décor to put away for the winter, a storage shed is an ideal investment for just about all homeowners with a backyard.

Maintaining your home’s property by investing in a shed is a great way to minimize clutter while safely storing your belongings year-round. With the right shed, you can ensure your own peace of mind, knowing that your investments are safe and sound. Are you looking for a new shed for your yard and home? Contact STURDI-BILT Storage Barns to learn more about your options today!

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